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PHP is the backbone of countless websites and web applications, powering dynamic content and interactivity. Over time, PHP undergoes updates and improvements, which might lead you to consider changing the PHP version on your web hosting server. If you’re using CPanel, this process is relatively straightforward. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to change the PHP version in CPanel, ensuring your website remains secure and compatible with the latest features.

Why Change PHP Versions?

Before we dive into the technical details, it’s essential to understand why changing your PHP version might be necessary.

Performance and Compatibility:
New PHP versions often come with performance enhancements and improved compatibility with modern web applications and frameworks. Staying up-to-date ensures your website runs smoothly.
Security: Older PHP versions can become vulnerable to security threats. By upgrading to the latest version, you enhance your website’s security, protecting it from potential vulnerabilities.
Feature Support: New PHP versions bring new features and functions. If your website relies on specific features, upgrading to a newer version can provide valuable additions to your toolkit.

Accessing CPanel

To change the PHP version in CPanel, you need to access your CPanel dashboard. Here’s how:

Log In to Your Hosting Account: New PHP versions often come with performance enhancements and improved compatibility with modern web applications and frameworks. Staying up-to-date ensures your website runs smoothly.
Navigate to CPanel: After logging in, search for the CPanel option in your hosting account’s dashboard. It’s usually easily accessible from the main menu.

Locating PHP Configuration

Once you’re inside your CPanel dashboard, the next step is to find the PHP configuration settings.

Software Section: Scroll down the CPanel dashboard, and in the “Software” or a similar section, look for an option like “Select PHP Version” or “MultiPHP Manager.”
Click on “Select PHP Version”: Click on the option you found in the previous step. This will open the PHP version manager.

Selecting PHP Version

Now that you’ve found the PHP version manager, it’s time to select the PHP version you want to use.

Dropdown Menu: In the PHP version manager, you will see a dropdown menu with a list of available PHP versions. This list may include older and newer versions.
Choose Your Desired Version: Select the PHP version you want to switch to from the dropdown menu. You can choose a version that meets your website’s requirements.
Set as Current: Once you’ve selected the desired PHP version, click the “Set as current” button. This action applies your selection.
Confirm the Change: CPanel will typically ask for your confirmation before changing the PHP version. Confirm the change to proceed.

Verifying the PHP Version

After making the change, it’s essential to verify that your PHP version has been successfully updated.

Revisit the PHP Version Manager: Go back to the PHP version manager in CPanel.
Check the Current PHP Version: You should now see the updated PHP version displayed as the “current” version.
Test Your Website: To ensure everything is working correctly with the new PHP version, test your website thoroughly. Pay attention to any compatibility issues or error messages.

Troubleshooting and Common Issues

While changing your PHP version in CPanel is generally straightforward, you might encounter a few common issues or questions along the way.

Extension Compatibility: Some PHP extensions may not be available or compatible with certain PHP versions. Ensure your website’s required extensions are supported by your chosen PHP version.
.htaccess Modifications: If you have specific configurations in your .htaccess file, they might need adjustment after changing the PHP version to maintain functionality.
Backup: It’s a good practice to back up your website before making significant changes. This ensures that you can quickly revert to the previous state if any issues arise.
Consult Your Hosting Provider: If you encounter any challenges or uncertainties during the process, don’t hesitate to reach out to your hosting provider’s support for guidance.


Changing the PHP version in CPanel is a crucial aspect of website management. It ensures that your website remains performant, secure, and up-to-date with the latest features. Following the step-by-step guide outlined in this post, you can confidently navigate the process. Remember, while the specific interface may vary slightly depending on your hosting provider, the core steps for changing the PHP version in CPanel remain relatively consistent. Stay proactive about updating your PHP version, and you’ll be better equipped to meet the evolving demands of the web.

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